
Willkommen! Study German, the language behind such works of art as the poetry of Goethe and the latest Porsche. The German language program at 中北书院 can provide you with important skills for your personal and professional development.

German language skills can enhance your competence in areas as diverse as music, 生物科学, 工程, 文学与电影. At North Central, learning German has a personal touch as well. You’ll acquire the relevant cultural information as well as linguistic proficiency. That means you’ll learn the German you’ll need in real-life situations and interact often with your classmates.

We have many formal and informal opportunities for you to practice your skills:

  • courses ranging from the elementary level to the advanced levels
  • 去 芝加哥的德国相关网站从歌剧院到高级餐厅;
  • 语言资源中心的各种服务.

立博在线体育建议所有的学生都出国留学. You may choose to spend some or all of your junior year in a German-speaking environment.


For additional programs and courses in this department, see 现代和古典语言.

The German major consists of a minimum of 33 credit hours (GRMN or GRST), at or above the 102 level. 33个学时, at least 28 credit hours must come from courses taught in German (GRMN) and five credit hours must be at the 400-level including GRMN 480. This major will automatically satisfy the elementary competency in a foreign language requirement of the B.A. 的程度 B.A. 学位要求 在本目录的学术规则部分.


学生 seeking teaching licensure must also complete the 中等教育 主要的需求.

学生 must demonstrate elementary competence in a foreign language. 有关更多信息,请参见 B.A. 学位要求 在本目录的学术规则部分.


For additional programs and courses in this department, see 现代和古典语言.

至少有20个德语学分, including four credit hours from the following electives:


For additional programs and courses in this department, see 现代和古典语言.

A major in German Studies (GRST) consists of at least 33 credit hours including the following coursework. This major will automatically satisfy the elementary competency in a foreign language requirement of the B.A. 的程度  B.A. 学位要求 在本目录的学术规则部分.




学生 must demonstrate elementary competence in a foreign language. 有关更多信息,请参见 B.A. 学位要求 在本目录的学术规则部分.

NOTE: This page contains all of the regular course descriptions for this discipline or program. Academic credit for each course is noted in parenthesis after the course title. Prerequisites (if any) and the general education requirements, 核心和全部大学要求(ACRs), which each course fulfills (if any) are noted following each course description. 并不是所有的课程都是每年开设的. 检查梅林, 立博在线体育可搜索的课程时间表, 查看下一学期开设的课程.

GRMN 101 -体验德国I (4).00)

Introduction to the basic structures of the German language, with emphasis on listening and speaking. 强调文化背景. 德语授课.

GRMN 102 -体验德国II (4.00)

Continued introduction to the basic structures of the German language, and to the practices and cultures of German-speaking regions of the world. 特别强调听和说德语. 德语授课.

先决条件: GRMN 101.

GRMN 201 -探索德语世界I (4).00)

Speech, 写作和阅读为文学讨论, 德语历史和文化主题. 德语授课.

先决条件: GRMN 102.

GRMN 202 -探索德语世界II (4).00)

语言的持续发展, 写作和阅读为文学讨论, 德语历史和文化主题. 德语授课.

先决条件: GRMN 201.
立博体育平台的方向 Designation(s): Humanities, Global Understanding.

GRMN 291 -德语阅读(1.00-2.00)



GRMN 293 -德语浓缩(1.00-2.00)

Individual projects related to other courses that support the development of proficiencies in German. 德语授课.


GRMN 295 -实习(1.00-4.00)

学生 assist faculty with pedagogical or other projects in German. 活动 vary according to the project needs and student background, but may include such work as the preparation of materials for language learning or assisting faculty through bibliographic research.

grmn297 -实习(0.00-12.00)
GRMN 299 -独立学习(1.00-12.00)

Multimedia Introduction to the significance and the various forms the fairy tale has taken in German culture. 德语授课.

先决条件: GRMN 202.


Study of major sociological, political and artistic developments in German-speaking lands. 德语授课.

先决条件: GRMN 202.

GRMN 325 -德国文学调查(4).00)

德国作家和文本概览. 德语授课.

先决条件: GRMN 202.

GRMN 330 -魏玛共和国(4.00)

A contextualized study of the life and culture during the Weimar Republic in Germany. Special attention is given to the literature, film and visual art of the period. 德语授课.

先决条件: GRMN 202.


Introduction to the history and development of traditions in the German visual arts. 作品在其历史时代进行分析, but also as cultural documents problematizing aspects of German life and history. 德语授课.

先决条件: GRMN 202.


A study of the dynamic urban contexts of German- speaking regions of Europe. 德语授课.

先决条件: GRMN 202.
立博体育平台的方向 Designation(s): Humanities, Global Understanding.

GRMN 390 -主题(4.00)

选定的文学和文化主题的高级研究. 课程主题可能包括对特定作者的研究, 比如布莱希特, 时期和时代, 比如表现主义或流亡文学, 或者特定的主题. 德语授课.


GRMN 391 -德语阅读(1.00-2.00)



GRMN 393 -德语浓缩(1.00-2.00)

Individual projects related to other courses that support the development of proficiencies in German. 德语授课.


GRMN 395 -实习(1.00-4.00)

学生 assist faculty with pedagogical or other projects in German. 活动 vary according to the project needs and student background, but may include such work as the preparation of materials for language learning or assisting faculty through bibliographic research.

grmn397 -实习(0.00-12.00)
grmn399 -独立研究(1.00-12.00)
GRMN 480 -顶点投资组合(1).00)

Preparation of a collection of documents including revised work from prior courses, and reflections on the student’s growth as a German major and on intercultural issues. Additional assignments may be included but the portfolio must represent all five skills. 德语专业必修. 德语授课.

GRMN 490 -主题(4.00)

选定的文学和文化主题的高级研究. 主题可以包括对特定作者的研究, 比如布莱希特, 时期和时代, 比如表现主义或流亡文学, 或者特定的主题. 德语授课.


grmn497 -实习(0.00-12.00)
GRMN 499 -独立学习(1.00-12.00)

Extra-curricular and professional activities that will enrich your German language education.

Auf dem campus

At North Central we know you want opportunities to use your German in real-life situations. We have organized an extremely active German club which sponsors activities on and off campus. 考虑到立博在线体育离芝加哥很近, the German Club in conjunction with courses has organized excursions to points of interest in Chicago.

Im Ausland

Studying abroad is a great way to improve your abilities in German, 体验德国文化,并遇到不同的思维模式. In addition to our official program at the Freie Universität in Berlin during the academic year, students also have an opportunity to travel to German-speaking countries over North Central's D-Term.